The daughter of a good friend of mine (from Wishing Tree) was baptised almost three weeks ago and I was asked to bake cupcakes for the party afterwards. I was of course only too happy to obliged! We decided on chocolate banana cupakes to keep them nice and moist as they were to be picked up the day before the baptism and as the summer is pretty hot in Greece I went for poured fondant instead of any other type of icings which might melt and get spoilt by the heat and the sun.
Poured fondant is made of melted sugarpaste. It is really easy to make sugarpaste, but not having a microwave makes it a bit more timeconsuming to melt it, and also to keep it hot enough to be able to dip the cupcakes into the fondant. I dipped them twice to make it a nice, round and tall finish to the cupcake, so it did take quite a few hours to dip 100 cupcakes, but it was all good fun!
I had made homemade flowers for decorations made of homemade chocolate paste and a pink sugarpaste on top of it and then finishing it off with a silverball in the middle.
The invitation for the baptism was made by my friend who designs birthday invitations, baptism invitations etc, so obviously the cupakes had to be pink as well :)
I love the way these cupackes turned out, matching the chocolate base with the chocolate flower and the pink fondant with the pink flower. What do you think?
A view of the cupcakes on my kitchen table:
Cupcake on a princess plate:
A close-up:
And finally a view of the cupcake in the box: